Best horse riding in Berkshire
I recently moved to Berkshire around 18 months ago and since then have been exploring the horse riding scene around Reading, Bracknell and Windsor.
I have ridden at a few places and thought you might like to see what kind of places are available and my experiences there. They include places I rode at regularly, had lessons and hacked out with.
Hall Place Riding Centre
This is a riding school in Reading. I rode here for about 6 months and initially I felt a bit out of place there (as usual) but soon they became very friendly towards me and it was a nice experience. They have a good range of horses for novice-intermediate level and a pleasant outdoor arena. The indoor arena is a bit cramped but often you will be outside. There are also good hacking options and a really cute cafe on site where I always would get something to eat after a lesson. Overall it is a vibey place and I would definitely go back there if I lived in Reading again. They also have a changing room with a shower.
Pros: Good quality horses, tack and teaching. Lovely spacious outdoor arena. Amazing cafe with excellent vibes. Good options for private and group lessons.
Cons: initially felt a bit unwelcome, this improved over time and getting to know each other. Hacking isn’t the best, there are quite a lot of roads before you get to a forest, would be better for group lessons/beginners. Indoor arena a bit small with large beams but the group lessons are good fun.
After having a group lesson at Hall Place.
Arborfield hacking
This was a place I found online, a nice lady called Heather has a couple of cobs that you can ride out into the countryside. It’s quite low-key and I loved the atmosphere of the yard there. I went on quite a few lovely summer evening hacks there. You can take a look here.
Pros: stunning hacking, very reasonable prices, gorgeous vibe in the summer, can stop off and get a drink, very informal way of arranging, family run, the horses have a lovely temperament
Cons: low-key yard, no toilet there (can go outside if you need to), there are only a few horses, quality of the tack is not high, ponies are cobs so a little short (I quite like that myself)
About to go on a summer’s evening hack.
The Light Cavalry HAC
Moving closer to Windsor led me to start riding at the Light Cavalry HAC. This is a wonderful place to improve riding and join in on fun activities such as dressage, military skills and shows. You have to be able to ride before coming here, they don’t offer beginner lessons, you also have to become a member and pay a membership fee for the year which also covers hacking in Windsor Great Park. I joined some group lessons, had a few private and also enjoyed the group hacks which are led by an escort rider who knows their way around! I took part in the Christmas dressage in 2023 and this was a lovely experience.
Pros: stunning environment, really friendly people. Escorted hacks. Reasonable prices, easy to book on the app, lots of people around and community atmosphere.
Cons: there is a waiting list to join, I was on it for over a year before I was able to join. Most of the horses are quite tall and thoroughbred-y types as they are used for the parades, if you like that then that’s all good, sometimes hard to get the same horse for each lesson (can request but some are quite popular)
Just about to do the Christmas Dressage Show!
Tally Ho Stables
I only rode here once on a hack with two others who were both beginner riders. The lady here was really friendly to me and though it was a bit difficult to organise due to not receiving a reply via email but once I managed to get it all arranged it was a very pleasant experience.
Pros: excellent hacking into Windsor great park, easygoing and welcoming for beginner rides, calm horses who are used to their job
Cons: a bit pricey for the amount of time, cantering depends on your group, sometimes can be hard to make contact - would suggest both email and phone call
Hacking in Windsor Great Park
Berkshire Riding Centre
I had a few months of lessons here with Kristy, she is an excellent teacher as I can sometimes get a bit ‘in my head’ and I am trying to work on riding confidence. I would say the environment is a classic riding school atmosphere.
Pros: excellent quality of teaching, easy to book on the app, decent facilities
Cons: riding school vibes, sometimes there is someone else in the school at the same time as you for a lesson which I personally find off-putting.
Just after a private lesson!
Royal Berkshire Polo Club
I had about 6 months of lessons here trying to learn how to play polo. Absolutely amazing experience, learnt so much from Miles (excellent instructor). The people are very welcoming, didn’t experience any discrimination or racism.
Pros: stunning environment, very friendly people, feels amazing to learn how to play polo, well behaved easy to ride polo ponies, really nice facilities, high end atmosphere
Cons: very expensive per lesson, have to have quite a few private lessons before you are good enough to play chukkas.
Having a lesson with Miles.