Visit: Singapore Polo Club
This post is not sponsored, it reflects my own views.
I managed to travel to Singapore in February 2022 for a holiday which was a relaxing break. I have just got started with polo lessons at home in England and so I was really keen to check out the polo scene in Singapore on my trip.
I visited Singapore polo club twice during the ten days I was in Singapore. The team were really pleasant and friendly to communicate with and when I called up they advised me to book a space at the Paddock café at around 4.30 or 5pm on a Tuesday or Thursday which is when the members chukkas are. Chukkas are basically the 7 minute intervals that make up a game of polo, and you can see both the polo ponies and the members thoroughly enjoying their time out on the pitch playing a game.

The view from the café is great and it was easy to book online on their website. This area is only open to non-members from Monday to Friday, and to members only on the weekends. We ordered some truffle fries, Greek salad and some juices which were refreshing and the vibe was chilled with some relaxing music playing in the background.

They also have a restaurant called The Coriander Leaf which is open Tuesday to Sunday for dinner, however I didn’t get a chance to try it out this time. It is also important to note that the areas where the horses are stabled and the covered arena are not accessible to the public, so don’t go with an expectation to see the horses up close or pet them.
If you are looking to do that, you may enjoy the Saddle Club at Bukit Timah ( which I did not get to visit on this occasion but I have heard from friends in Singapore that it is a good place to have lessons and do beginners trail rides in walk only.
There is also another place called Gallop stables where they offer trail rides for experienced and non-experienced riders on a local trail. (
Overall I would definitely recommend an afternoon spent at the Paddock Café at Singapore Polo Club if you like to watch polo, chill in a relaxed and comfy environment and eat some high quality food. If I resided in Singapore, I would love to become a member here, it has a friendly atmosphere and seems like a nice place to spend time and make friends.
Trying to get that halal ‘Jilly Cooper’ vibe.
During the tour, Victor Phua (Safe Management Manager at SPC) showed me where they take care of around 220 horses including both polo ponies and liveries, and the arenas and viewing areas. The aren

They even have an in-house Australian farrier (James) who was awesome to meet and we shared a joke about man from snowy river - always goes down well with an Aussie :)
James finding my jokes funny.
The quality of the centre is definitely high, it was clean and organised, I think anyone would feel comfortable keeping a horse here knowing that he/she would be well looked after.
A glorious sport.
Thanks to Victor Phua for his excellent tour of the facilities and great hospitality!
Check out their website: